Music, Theater, Drama and Arts

Music, Arts and Theatre provide excellent opportunity for youth and children to express themselves and showcase their talents. Over the time KRTC noticed how the youth and children in the slum engaged in crime drugs and other harmful behaviors. In response to this need, KRTC in the year 2006 established music and arts classes initially the KRTC management hired a community hall and equipped it with music equipment. The organization would then invite more talented musicians to teach the children and youth more about music. Over time the music group became more established and started producing professional musicians who would perform in major events like MR Kibera, National holidays and also entertain people during major Events.
Due to the increase in the number of children who showcased their talent and interest in drawing but lacked a platform and suitable environment to exercise, KRTC under the leadership of Edward Wafula helped to establish the krtc arts department. This program has four qualified teachers who are also managing the department.
In the year 2021 krtc identified the photography talent among several of the children. Since the group had two well talented photographers, The group then bought the first camera both as a learning tool and also as a source of income to the photography teachers.
Lessons Undertaken in this program are;
Main activities in our music|drama and arts group;
- Drawing and creative arts classes
- Photography lessons
- concerts
- music training in the community hall
- performance in rallies
- Entertainment during event
- school outreach programs
- singing in choir and church service
- music production
- social media entertainment
KRTC uses Music, Drama and Arts in its pursuit to promote talent create self-worth and to entertain the children who in most cases lack motivation due to the hard life in the slum. Music arts and drama brings many children and young people together. KRTC arranges concerts in kibera Soweto area. Through this program, KRTC invites talented musicians to come and train youth interested in learning music. In most cases our leaders give small gifts to the most deserving performers and this motivates the children to perform better and also to work had.
Through this program some of KRTC’s trained musicians have become qualified gaining the requisite skills and talent that help them to start training others. Under this program, the group members (about 20 in total) meet during the week and are trained by experienced instructors affiliated with KRTC. Music and drama performances usually take place on Sundays in the meeting hall and are open to the wider community
Through this program KRTC has raised 8 successful musicians, who are regularly broadcast by the media and perform in national and regional concerts. The theatre group performs regularly during national events.
Notable achievements.
KRTC music, drama arts and photography group has been able to achieve the following;
- Establishment of missionary foundation led by Samson Warieba(beneficiary)
- Establishment of MC don foundation led by Mc Don(beneficiary)
- The group has created an opportunity for four members to get full collage education in media and film production.
- The group has raised professional musician who are earning and have their songs in
- The group has attracted the attention of the Nairobi Govenor DR Evans kidero and has since been invited to the county government office.
- The group has also attracted the interest of the presidential Media team and has since been visited twice by the team leaders.
A major challenge in provision of desired intervention measures has been inadequate resources or lack thereof while deserving cases continue to rise. For instance, in social art, music and drama lack of proper and adequate infrastructure is a bane to attainment of development of individual’s talent and creative ability. Equipment and facilities absence coupled with the needy youth’s lack of resources to afford such means, many such talents go undiscovered and lost.
They Need Your Help!
Our objective is to help the Kibera slum child and youth realize their self-worth and dignity in the society through programs that support their wellbeing, nurture and enhance their talents and promote their socio-economic development.